Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Best Job in the World

I heard about this one on the news last night and I couldn't help but dream just a little bit. The idea is that some lucky duck gets to spend 6 months exploring the Great Barrier Reef and getting paid $100K to do it. They have to keep a blog or something, but really it has to be pretty much the sweetest deal around. It is actually a genius move by the Australian Tourism Agency, because it has gotten them a huge amount of international attention at a pretty bargain price when you think about it. Apparently the web site keeps on crashing because they are being so flooded with applicants. To apply one must create a 1-minute video explaining why you are the best for the job. Unfortunately for me, I am probably too lazy to bother with doing that, but I would have to admit that I am tempted. Anyhow, some lucky so-and-so will actually end up getting this job and I would have to say that I will be pretty darn jealous of them, let me tell you.

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